You don’t seem to have QuickTime™ installed on your machine. Please install QuickTime™ 2.5 from the ZPC CD if you want to see the cool movies we made for ZPC.
To play a single-player game, you need to have the “ZPC” CD in your CD drive. Please insert the CD and try again.
To gather a net game, you need to have the “ZPC” CD in your CD drive. Please insert the CD and try again.
There is not enough memory to keep the game in high-resolution mode at this screen size. Switching to low-res.
Sorry, ZPC needs 7200k free to play in a networked game. Give ZPC more memory and try again.
ZPC was unable to find the map that this film was recorded on, so the film cannot be replayed.
The scenario file that this saved game was from cannot be found. When you switch levels you will revert to the default map.
Sorry, ZPC was unable to gracefully exit from the network game. As a result, your romp through the levels has been prematurely halted.
The gathering computer has quit the game, leaving everyone stranded without the next level. Perhaps you should tar and feather him.
Sorry, this preview copy of ZPC does not support networking.
Picture %d was not found!
Checkpoint %d was not found!
The map you are trying to load has been corrupted. Please reinstall from a backup copy.
Sorry, this copy of ZPC has been serialized with a network-only serial number. You cannot play the single-player game with a network-only serial number.
Sorry, you can’t start a network game with more than one copy of the same serial number.
That serial number is invalid. Please try again.
An error occurred while saving your game (maybe your hard drive is full, or you tried to save to a locked volume?)
A system error occurred while attempting to read from your map or saved game file.
A game related error occurred while attempting to read from your map or saved game file.
Please note: ZPC is using maps not created by Zombie.
ZPC is using an external physics model.
ZPC has used up all available RAM and cannot continue. Trying giving it more memory, switching to a lower bit-depth or turning off sounds and try again.
Sorry, that key is already used for a special game function.
Sorry, that key is already used for scrolling the inventory.
Sorry, that key is already used for zooming in the overhead map view.
Sorry, that key is already used to adjust the sound volume.
This beta copy of ZPC has expired and is no longer functional.
This copy of ZPC has been modified, perhaps by a virus. Please re-install it from the original disks.
ZPC has encountered a file system error. Check to make sure you have enough disk space and that you are not trying to save to a locked volume.
ZPC couldn’t allocate enough sound channels to play sound because there isn’t enough free system memory available (try giving ZPC less memory).
Please be sure the files “Map”, “Shapes”, “Images”, “Landscapes” and “Sounds” are in the same folder as the “ZPC” application and try again.
Sorry, ZPC requires a 13” monitor (640x480) or larger which can be set to at least 256 colors or grays.
Sorry, ZPC requires at least 4800k of free RAM.
Sorry, ZPC requires System Software 7.0 or higher.